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Writer's picture: Lorraine RooneyLorraine Rooney

I DONT LIKE MONDAYS (Song by Boomtown Rats)

This statement has filtered into our society and is often how we all feel after the weekend off. Sadly this statement was made by the person who was convicted for the Cleveland School shooting San Diego 1979 and inspired Bob Geldof to write it as this was the persons reason when asked 'why?'

Monday is traditionally the first day of a working or studying week and can bring a low feeling for us, except if we aren't in work or study that day.

However this feeling can become a habit and our minds begin to play the thought and feelings that we have associated with this day.

It's become embedded by society into our thinking patterns our subconscious, to moan, groan and complain about Monday even before it arrives ie Sunday evening. Its likely this gets reinforced by ourselves and work colleagues by dismissing Monday. Not wanting to be in it, waiting to get to the end of the work day, this creates feelings of negativity, even depression and anxiety.

So how can we support our mental wellbeing and each other to break this negative thinking cycle.

1. Acceptance. Look at Monday as a day, nothing else. Accept where you are, remember you chose this work so try not to resist it, it's nobody's fault you are there.

2. Decide on how you would like to feel today, why choose negativity, its your choice to choose.

3. Set an intention around that feeling. Today I intend to feel at ease or Today I choose to be ok that it's Monday, rather than I can't wait until the end of the day.

Dismissing the day is like dismissing living. Be in your day, make the most of it, bring joy to it. Its not upto others or the world to bring that to you.

The sooner we connect with its up to me, the sooner it changes and feels better.

This is how a mindful practice impacts our daily life more positively.

Now check in with yourself abd decide how you want to feel about today.

Me personally I decided to be at ease today

Namaste you beautiful being of love and light 🙏❤️

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